
Gastric Bypass

Robotic Bariatric Surgery located in Rancho Mirage, CA

Gastric Bypass

About Gastric Bypass

Gastric bypass surgery alters the size of your stomach so you can lose weight quickly and safely. At the office of Bobby S. Bhasker-Rao MD, Inc., laparoscopic gastric bypass surgeries are available for adults who are obese and at risk for stroke and other potentially life-threatening diseases. Bariatric surgeon Dr. Bobby specializes in robotic surgical techniques to reduce your stomach size so you feel fuller after eating less and can maintain your weight loss results for a lifetime. Call the Rancho Mirage, California, office today to schedule a gastric bypass consultation.

Gastric Bypass Q&A

What is gastric bypass?

Gastric bypass is considered to be the gold standard weight loss surgery for individuals with a body mass index (BMI) above 35.

Also called a Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, the surgery involves creating a small pouch from the stomach and connecting it directly to the small intestine, which forms a “Y” shape.

The procedure allows the food you eat to bypass the stomach to minimize how many nutrients your body absorbs. It also limits the amount of food you can eat before feeling full and changes your metabolic processes to encourage efficient weight loss.

The office of Bobby S. Bhasker-Rao, MD, Inc. provides minimally invasive, laparoscopic gastric bypass procedures for adults. As a highly skilled bariatric surgeon, Dr. Bobby completes the surgery laparoscopically so you can heal faster and with less risk of complications.

Is gastric bypass surgery a good fit for me?

You might be a candidate for gastric bypass if you have a BMI of 35 or greater but are unable to lose weight with a healthy diet and regular exercise.

Dr. Bobby might also recommend gastric bypass if you’re overweight and have obesity-related diseases, including:

  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Obstructive sleep apnea
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)

You should be in good overall health and able to tolerate surgery to qualify for gastric bypass. It’s also important that you commit to the necessary diet and lifestyle changes required after surgery to support consistent and safe weight loss.

What can I expect during gastric bypass surgery?

Dr. Bobby uses the daVinci® robotic technology to make small incisions in your abdomen. The system gives him complete control of four robotic arms that hold specialized surgical instruments that fit through the tiny incisions.

After forming a small pouch from a portion of your stomach, Dr. Bobby uses surgical staples to hold it in place. He also connects the new pouch to the lower part of your small intestine.

Following gastric bypass surgery, you’ll only be able to consume small amounts of food, and your body will absorb fewer calories from your diet. Initially, your weight loss results may be rapid, but with a well-balanced diet and regular activity, you can continue to shed excess weight and achieve a healthier BMI.

Call the office of Bobby S. Bhasker-Rao MD, Inc. today to schedule a gastric bypass consultation.